Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8 Things to do on Winter Break!

School winter break, to kids, sounds like it should be a winter wonderland of fun. But there is problem, many of their parents have to work during while the kids are on winter break. And if the kids can't come up what to do on their own that mean too much TV or added child care costs during the winter break. So if you can't come up with a plan here are some strategies for winter break.

1. Invite family or friends for a visit.
Inviting friends or family to your home during the winter break may be fun for all. Of course having house guests means extra work for the host, so you need to do your best to make a good plan for meals and activities. And choose your guests carefully as some guests are more work then others.
2. Take a vacation.
 Vacation is probably the top of the everybody's wish list for winter. Someone likes warm places, someone likes places where snow is certain. Since many schools don't have winter break, vacation destination spots are less likely to be over crowded during winter break than spring break. And the winter school holidays may be one of the best times to go. If the family cant afford a far away vacation, consider taking a vacation from work and enjoying all the sights and activities that your city offer. 

3. Send the kids to winter break camp.
We tend to think of camp as a summer activity, but many organizations offer day camps during winter break. This is more likely if all the school in your area take winter break at same time. Check around and ask friends if there is any camp near you. 

4. Work on school projects. 
If you're working, why not get the kids working too. If your child has some homework or some project to work on let them set up shop in your office and work with you. Long-term school projects often take parental oversight, but their projects so they should be able to work on their own without constant monitoring. 

5. Get some exercise. 
If you are spending the winter break with your kids at home take some time and move around. Kids who have spend some energy will settle down to a quiet independent activity. So plan some time every day to go on a walk with the dog, play basketball, try skating, or even just break out the Wii Fit and get some indoor exercise.


  1. yer i sometimes got bored in winter break to ! used to exercise alot

  2. It's a bit early to be planning out winter break already, eh? Haha.

  3. Good tips... but, I hate winter! Follow+
